Support us by joining our community
You can support us and participate in our work by becoming a member. Cancer Support Switzerland membership is open to everyone.
Our membership is annual and runs from 1 January to 31 December.
Fees are CHF50.- for an individual and CHF90.- for a couple/family.
As a member you will:
Thank you for joining our Cancer Support community. Your support is most appreciated!
Annual membership fees are:
CHF50.- for Individuals and CHF90.- for Couples/Families
Whilst it is not necessary to become a member to use our support services, Cancer Support Switzerland is a membership organisation. As a member, you will stay up-to-date on our activities, presentations and classes, as well as have a vote at the Annual General Meeting. It is a great way to support our work and contribute to our mission to help those touched by cancer. Membership is valid for one year from 1 January to 31 December.
*Note: The “Make this donation yearly” option will only work when paying by Credit card or PayPal. There is a recurring payment option built into TWINT, and with bank transfer, you can set up a standing order in your bank settings. Thank you!
Château du Grand-Saconnex
(ground floor)
Chemin Auguste-Vilbert 14
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex