Work and Cancer Coaching

two women sitting in chairs facing each other and talking

Coaching support for people diagnosed with cancer and direct caregivers having to manage work adjustments and transitions.

Reconciling work and cancer may have its own complexities, challenges and uncertainties whether you are working during the treatments, considering how to re-integrate successfully afterwards, or struggling to reconcile your work with taking care of your loved one as a direct caregiver.

What is coaching?

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process: It raises self-awareness, helps to find the answers already within you, identify potential inner blocks and to discover ways forward. A coach helps the coachee to look beyond the stated goals to the hidden scripts and emotions driving behaviour. The focus of coaching is the present and the future – it is forward thinking, solution and action orientated.

Why work and cancer coaching?

Because the cancer experience represents a major transformation of our lives for which we all need support to cope and to formulate next steps.

How to reconcile cancer and work?

While companies and HR departments provide processes, tools and policies, the day-to-day interface happens between the person who is facing cancer, their manager, and the team. Going through the experience requires more than impersonal processes.

It often means confronting ourselves with tough questions, such as:

  • How do I communicate the diagnosis to my manager and colleagues?
  • How am I perceived by my manager and my team? Do they still think I am capable to do my job?
  • Will I be losing my job? Will I still be considered for the next promotion?
  • How do I manage my workload and the pressure, if I decide to continue to work during the treatments?
  • How do I re-integrate at work after my treatments?
  • How do I go back to “normal” when everything has changed for me?
  • Do I actually want to go back or do I want to change profession?
  • How do I best present myself during an interview?
  • How do I make sure to not be perceived as the “victim”?
  • How do I set limits while still meeting expectations?
  • How do I manage side effects from the treatment while I am at work?

These questions are understandable, and you are not alone. At Cancer Support Switzerland, we are here to support you to face these challenges through coaching. All our services are provided in the strictest of confidence.

Meet Our Coaches


Call our Support Help Line at +41 (0) 22 723 2231 or Email support@cancersupport.ch

All our services are provided in the strictest of confidence.

The coaching service includes at least 3 to 6 individual 60-minute coaching sessions at no charge, thanks to our generous donors.